Booklist for readers of

Books are different to movies, television or interactive media because they are the distilled product of a single mind. Each of these titles records a lifestyle relevant to

I've read each of them from cover to cover; they are not all easy reads: some are best not approached until you know some background. And yes, I've been lucky enough to meet with some of the authors.

  1. L'Épreuve - Le "bagne" de la Légion Henri Allainmat
  2. Keep your head down - Falkland Notes Bernie Bruen
  3. Papillon Henri Charrière
  4. Some Dance to Remember Jack Fritscher
  5. A Significant Experience Gwyn Griffin
  6. The Legion of the Dammed Sven Hassel
  7. Starship Trooper Robert Heinlen
  8. Confessions of a Mask Yukio Mishima
  9. More and Harder Morgan
  10. The Mint by A/C 352087 Ross TE Lawrence
  11. The Brig Kenneth H. Brown
  12. The Brig Mason Powell
  13. The Hill Ray Rigby
  14. The Fetters Catalogue, first European edition Jim Stewart
  15. The Leathermans Handbook Larry Townsend
  16. Slaves of the Empire Aaron Travis
  17. Wayward Legionnaire James William Worden

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