Military Shorts - Uniform Fetish

Military uniforms that include shorts, preferably worn with Boots

Boots and Shorts may seem an unlikely army uniform, especially for combat, however many possibilities exist:

You're on parade being inspected by a fully-dressed officer or NCO: you're in boots and shorts and feeling vulnerable
You're on parade being inspected by a horny NCO who is wearing boots and shorts to show his superior muscle. You can't help but notice how horny he looks but daren't show it...

Some pictures

firing rifles at the range wearing boots and shorts
paras wearing boots and shorts for Inspection
US Army soldiers on parade in boots and shorts
UK Army 1982 (paras)
US Army 1990's
légionnaires being inspected by NCO in boots and shorts (Central European cammoflage pattern
Légion 2000: NCO's in shorts, inspecting ranks facing the sun
légionnaires on guard duty in boots and shorts uniform jumping an obstable couse wearing boots and shorts
Légionnnaires (1980's)
Légion sports instructorLégion NCOUK Sapper wearing boots and shorts uniform
recruits wearing boots and shorts for head shaves

Légion sports shorts


UK Army 1990 (Sappers)

Note: not wearing boots

If you too like wearing Boots and Shorts or have an image of soldiers wearing Boots and Shorts then please contact

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